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Becoming a member of TAPA opens a channel of communication to your company that provides you with the most current and up to date information and changes that occur regarding safe flight operations throughout the Southern most southeast Alaska region. Becoming a part of this growing community demonstrates each members commitment to ensure safety of our pilots, the communities we serve, and those that visit us during the busy summer season.


Our membership consists of two types: Active and General.


You can reqest to be an Active member or a General member meeting the following criteria:


Active Members are Part 135 Airline Carriers.

General Members are Part 91 airline support members.


Membership can be requested through link below. Once your request is accepted and reviewed you will receive confirmation of acceptance and will receive newsletters and notifications of upcoming meetings and changes that occur through TAPA.

Active Members

Part 135 - Air Carriers

Taquan Air ............................................. # 907-225-8800
Island Air Express ................................# 360-850-1204
Carlin Air................................................. #907-225-3036
Southeast Aviation................................ # 907-225-2900
Family Air  .............................................  # 907-247-1305
Seawind Aviation..................................  # 907-225-1206
Temsco Helicopters............................  # 907-225-5141

Pirate Airworks.....................................  # 907-225-9100

Black Rock Aviation.............................  # 907-225-1234

Active Members

Part 135 - Air Carriers

Alaska Airlines..................................... # 907-225-2145
Misty Fjords Air....................................  # 907-225-5155
Heli-Air Alaska (Pollux Aviation).......# 907-746-0673

Island Wings........................................#907-225-2444

General Members

Airline Support

Aero Services.......................................  # 907-225-5701
Ketchikan Flight Service....................... #907-225-9481
Ketchikan International Airport............ #907-225-6800

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